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How can I change the text for freetext customer feedback?

NCarmichael September 29, 2022

Within customer-satisfaction I can see we can change the text of the star-rating from  "How was our service for this request?"

How can I change the text for screen that follows that from  "Awesome! We got it. If you have a moment, tell us how it went so we can keep it up!"

We want to have something more suitable to our customer's tastes and also asks how we can improve.

2 answers

1 vote
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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September 30, 2022


@Lisa Förstberg is correct you are unable to change or customize the customer feedback form.  Here are a couple of additional items below that you should also vote for.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 4, 2022

@NCarmichael if this answered your question can you please accept the answer to help others?

0 votes
Lisa Förstberg
Rising Star
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September 29, 2022


I don't think you can (yet) I am afraid.

You can use Language support configuration to "translate" some of the  texts but the CSAT confirmation text is not a value that shows up their it leads me to believe that this is one of those texts that are hard coded.


There are multiple feature req's on CSAT customizations - this might be closest for you to vote och watch: JSDCLOUD-7924 




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