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Help on ScriptRunner validator where reporter is not approver

Fernando Jr_ Jeno November 18, 2021

We do not want ticket creator/reporter to be able to add themselves as approver in the "Approvers" user picker(multiple users) field in JSM.

I checked somewhere that this could be possible using a scriptrunner validator in the create transition but I am not sure how to write the script.

I tried using the script below but it failed.

issue.reporter.username != cfValues["Approvers"].username


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Ivan Lima
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November 21, 2021

Hi, @Fernando Jr_ Jeno, you can try something like the following snippet:

issue?.customfield_10003?.filter(a => a.accountId == issue.reporter.accountId)[0]?.accountId != issue.reporter.accountId

Replace the  customfield_10003 with your Approvers' custom field ID. I'm sure there are better ways to code this, but you can give it a try. It should work.

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