I need help connecting power automate with jira assets for the solo pourpose of getting the list of assets that i have and use as a cmdb to create an item in sharepoint for every single one of them, if its not possible i can do it manually ig ;-;, but what i really need is this: a jira automation that calls a flow (using a powerAutomate custom trigger using the url from the web request in jira) and gives him info about a ticket, when the ticked is changed to approved, the ticket being of type "request an access" gives the flow the info like host, app , user that wants access, etc , if the issue type is "create a new app" or "create a new host" it needs to send the name of the host etc or the app that they are requesting access to, ex:
The content will be like:
if you are interrested in this question please contact me in here, or if you want please send me a email at manuelsilvapalito@gmail.com if i coulndt make understand what i want please give me that feedback so i can explain it better :D, thanks. (sry for bad english)