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Form on helpdesk showing American date when everything is set to UK.

Luke Simms September 26, 2022


It has been noticed on our helpdesk that the date is formatting as American. Within the form creator it is the correct standard UK. All of our admin settings show UK along with the user profile on the helpdesk. There is one workaround below but it isn't helpful in our instance. Any advice please? 

On Form Builder:



On Live Help Desk Form:


Look and Feel in System Settings:


General Config in System Settings:

General config.PNG


Help Desk Account settings:

helpdesk account.PNG


Windows Language Settings:

Windows Language Setting.PNG

The only workaround I've found while gathering these screenshots is to change the default on the form to English (UK). This corrects the date format. The only problem with this is we also have French users within the company so it is not ideal for the form to not adapt to their language. 

FormSetting User Language.PNGUserLanguageEnglishUKFixes.PNG



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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2022

Hello @Luke Simms

Thank you for reaching out.

Indeed, the date picker language of the customer portal/form is not aligned with the language selected in Jira settings or in the customer profile, this includes the example displayed in the date fields. As this is not expected behavior, we created the following bug to fix this:

New help center: date picker language not aligned with Jira settings 

Feel free to vote and watch the bug to increase its priority and receive notifications about new workarounds and its resolution.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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