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Exporting tickets from SolMan to JIRA

Jean-Claude Rutayisire
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November 28, 2023

We are migrating from SAP's Solution Manager to JIRA Service Management, so we were wondering if there is a way to export remaining open tickets from SolMan to JIRA. Or do we have to recreate them manually in JIRA ?

Thank you,


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Jack Brickey
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November 28, 2023

Hi @Jean-Claude Rutayisire , you were able to import issues using the CSV importer. So if you can export from Solman to CSV then you should be all set. if you are a Jira administrator and can access the administration system screen then you will find the import on the left-hand side bar. If you need more details visit the Atlassian support site and search the documentation for CSV import. 

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