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End users license and account

supername July 18, 2015

Dear Atlassian Help Desk,

This is a question about JIRA + Service Desk? Do end users count towards the license fee? We have about 10 workers and 300 customers(end users). Do we have to pay a license for 10 or maybe 310. Do end users have a private are where to login and check their old support tickets?



2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 20, 2015

You customers (end users) will not be considered under the Service Desk's license, only your JIRA users set to "Agents".

The customers will also be able to log into the Service Desk portal and see their requests there.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 18, 2015

We're end users, not a helpdesk, but we do try.

There are three types of users involved in JIRA Service Desk.

  1. Agents - these take up Service Desk Agent licences, and are essentially the people handling the initial Service Desk calls, following them up, talking to customers, poking developers to get things fixed etc.
  2. JIRA users -  who use other parts of JIRA take up jira licences.  They are the developers, testers and so-on.  They can be named to help out with service desk calls, but they are NOT agents, and don't have the full set of abilities that agents do
  3. Customers - these are the people raising Service Desk requests and asking for help.  They do NOT take up any licence


So, you don't need to worry about customer numbers.  But you do need to think about how many JIRA users you need vs how many agents.  (Note that agents are also JIRA users).  A typical small case is a team of 10 developers with 3 of them named as Agents to handle the incoming calls.  10 JIRA users + 3 agents.

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