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Emails to Jira Service Desk email create new ticket each time even if the same email/topic/issue

Mohsen Hafiz March 18, 2019

Our customer prefers to use their own ticketing system, but they set it up so that when a ticket is created on their end or any updates made to it, it emails OUR Service Desk email address which creates a ticket. 

Here is the issue though...whenever they make changes to the ticket in their system, it sends another email with the same ticket summary to our Jira Service Desk and creates a NEW ticket rather than appending the existing ticket. The title of the ticket is the same and it still does this each time. 

How do I fix this? Mail handlers?

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Jack Brickey
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March 18, 2019

The issue I expect is that the new emails are not direct responses to a JSD email. There is a thread I was looking for and wanted to reference here where @Eaniel Deads (I think) had chimed in explaining what JSD uses to determine that an email is associated w/ an existing ticket. However, I could not lay my fingers on it quickly. Long story short, the email header factors into whether a new ticket is opened or if the existing one is update, not just the Issue ID in the subject.

Mohsen Hafiz March 20, 2019

I wondered about that. It's not a reply to an email or existing ticket. It has the same ticket number in the summary etc. but it's not like a reply to an email so it doesn't seem to recognize it as a response to the same ticket and thus creates a new ticket rather than appending the existing ticket.

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Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_
Rising Star
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March 18, 2019

Hi @Mohsen Hafiz 

The email your customer is sending you, just ask them to include the Jira issue key in the subject, that means when the ticket is first created in Jira. You need to let their system know about this issue key that will be created. This unique Key in the subject for subsequent updates will ensure that a comment is added to your existing Jira issue.

Alternatively you can try using some apps like JEMH or Email This Issue

This apps can process the email and you can define some logic as well.


Mohsen Hafiz March 20, 2019

How would I get them this issue key? I imagine it's a one and done type of thing not something I need to do each time for each ticket, that would be done automatically no?

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