Emailreply in closed tickets gets a new issuenumber

Anna Rouhi January 13, 2025

In our set up in Jira Service management; when a ticket is in status closed the comment section is disabled. Hence it is still possible for the customer to send a emailreply in closed tickets, if the customer sends a emailreply on a closed ticket with number 10001, the emailrespons gets an a new ID-number 10010 (this because other issues has been submitted). Is it possible that emailreply in closed tickets gets the same ID-number as the original ID-number?

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Tobias H
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January 14, 2025

Hi @Anna Rouhi!

That won't be possible, unless you allow for Closed issues to be opened back up by replies.

How we solved this issue in the past is that we use two statuses "Resolved" and "Closed"

When a ticket is solved, it is moved into Resolved. Any new replies that are entered within 7 business days will re-open the same ticket.

But if more than 7 days pass with no reply, it is moved to Closed. From Closed any reply will open a new ticket, but link to the previous ticket, as we believe that any issue that has been closed more than 7 days need to be re-investigated by our agents and be treated as a "new ticket" even if it's technically not.

This is not a perfect solution, as it introduces some unnecessary statuses and transitions, but it works at least.

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