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Difference between CreateDate and SLA Date

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December 18, 2023

Currently I'm working on SLA's project, reviewing an issue created this has a Createdate totally different to the SLA First Response. Our team works around the world, also the Time zone in our Jira is New York (GTM-05:00) and the calendar of this SLA has GTM-08:00.

Additionally, "Initial Response" met when an new comment is added to the request and this happens because of there is an automation rule that post a comment immediately when the issues is created, so I understand that both should have the same date.


I'd like to know if this happens regarding with a difference between user's Time Zone and Jira Instance. Any idea? Thanks a lot.

2 answers

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Bilal Mughal December 18, 2023

CreateDate is the timestamp of issue creation, while SLA Date reflects the deadline set by Service Level Agreements for issue resolution. CreateDate is fixed, while SLA Date is dynamic based on predefined time expectations

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I'm New Here
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December 18, 2023

This is another example, it´s calculating at two different times.

SLA -2.png

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