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Date on Form showing UK date after submission

Jared September 29, 2022

There is a form that creates a ticket for onboarding a new user.

On the form there is a date picker field that maps back to a jira custom field called "Start Date" 


The When filling out the form, the date format is correct. MM/DD/YYYY
In the custom field "start Date" the format is correct
On the actual attached form that gets attached to ticket, the date is formatted as UK.

I have the form language settings set to US
I also updated the system settings for the date format. 

I think this is a bug. 

2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 29, 2022

Well, just as a picky point, the format MM/DD/YYYY is always incorrect and should never be used, despite what North Americans think.  But that's not the point.

Yes, I suspect you have hit a bug that needs reporting to Atlassian.

There is one other thing I would want to check before reporting this - what are the browser's locale and date settings?  Could it be telling Jira that you are in a country that uses a proper date format?

That's not going to fix the bug, there's no reason you should have to change your browser settings, but it's a useful thing to know when debugging - if your browser is doing it, then the bug is "this field is looking at the browser settings instead of the system settings that the other fields are"

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Jared September 29, 2022


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