Dashboard Hub for Jira - Customer portal (for non-agents) - images are not displayed.

Giovanni Pinnisi
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May 25, 2023

hello community, 


we use the app Dashboard Hub for Jira , to publish dashboards on the customer portal (for non agents) , but pictures from tickets are not displayed. Why? 

I have also tried with several browsers, but still the same failed result:

error pictures.png

How can i fix this? Please help. 

1 answer

2 votes
Ivan Garcia _Appfire_
Atlassian Partner
May 25, 2023

Hi @Giovanni Pinnisi 

Thank you very much for asking about our app Dashboard Hub for Jira in the community :)

Our technical team would like to know more about your issue and provide a solution, could I kindly ask you to open a ticket in our support portal?

All the best,

Iván García, Product Marketing Manager at Appfire

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