Andres Moncada November 29, 2022

Good afternoon.

I have a question about JIRA SERVICE.

If we are an organization with different offices in different countries is it possible to have a different Help Desk for each office?

Another question I have is:

If in a HELP DESK we have different projects is it possible that the agents only see one project? I mean for example that the IT agent sees only the IT requests, the HR agent sees only the HR requests.

3 answers

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Mikael Sandberg
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November 29, 2022

If you mean by having different portals for each office, then you would need Refined for Jira in order to set up different sites for each office.

For your second question, yes that is possible. Agents will only see the projects that they have access to. So you can set it up so only IT can see the IT project and HR can only see the HR project.

Andres Moncada November 29, 2022

Hi @Mikael Sandberg 

With "Refined for Jira" it would be possible to have one help desk but with different access for agents and differents proyects?

Mikael Sandberg
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November 29, 2022

It looks like you can do that based on a quick look in their documentation, but I don't know for sure since I have not used Refined for Jira, just Refined for Confluence on Data Center.

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Joseph Chung Yin
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November 29, 2022

@Andres Moncada -

Hi Andres:

Yes, you can create different JSM projects and control their visibility to your customer via the portal by going into each project's Project settings >> Customer permissions section 


Within one JSM project, you can implement Issue Security Configuration to control issue visibility for your agent.  Take a look at the following link for your reference -


Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Andres Moncada November 29, 2022

Hi @Joseph Chung Yin i already post a comment because i don´t understand your answer

Joseph Chung Yin
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November 29, 2022

@Andres Moncada -

Are trying to have/control multiple projects under the same HelpDesk?  What I was trying to suggest was that you can control the visibility of each project under the same env.  

Example - User A can only see HR project and User B can only see the ITSM project.

Hope this makes sense.

Best, Joseph

Andres Moncada November 29, 2022

@Joseph Chung Yin 

Okay, I think I explained myself wrong.

We have a JIRA site for the whole company (i.e. all the offices in different countries) within SITE each office has its own projects (this under the cloud version).

What I want to know is if for example the Spain office can have a Help Desk different from the France office but under the same SITE.

And the other thing I want to know is: We have a HELP DESK that has different projects (all employees must be able to see the projects to be able to make any request) but what I want is for example the IT requests can only be seen and attended by the IT manager and the HR requests can only be attended and seen by the HR manager.

Joseph Chung Yin
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November 29, 2022

@Andres Moncada -

Hi Andres:

If you are referring the "SAME site" - meaning the based URL will be the same - example - "https://yourcompany.atlassian.net", then you can only have one overall HelpDesk but with different projects (to support different offices).

If you want to have different HelpDesk UI, then you will need to have multiple sites where the based URL will not be the same.  In the CLOUD env, if your subscription plan is Enterprise, then you can have different sites setup.

In regards to IT managers and HR managers can only see and attend to the their related issues, then you can either implement

1) As mentioned in my previous response -the issue security configuration within the same project to restrict the visibility of issues (This means that you can only act on the issues where you can discover the issues.  If you cannot even see the issue - it is a mute point for you to act upon it).

2) Control the project "Service Desk Team" role membership for each project, thus controlling who can handle the issues within a project as "agent".

Best, Joseph

Andres Moncada November 29, 2022

Thanks for your help. 

It´s to bad that we can only have one help center for one site :( because we have one site for all of the company. 

Joseph Chung Yin
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November 29, 2022

@Andres Moncada -

If my responses also helped you, please click on Accept answer when you have a chance.

Best, Joseph

0 votes
Andres Moncada November 29, 2022


Thank you for your prompt response. I don't think I understood very well.

I am doing a test I have this HELP DESK where there are 3 projects and I want that the IT project can only be accessed by one person to manage the incidents, the HR project can be accessed by another person. Is this possible?

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-29 165119.jpg

On the other hand is it possible to have several HELP DESK within the same domain of the same company?

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