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Customizing notification email contents: how to add blank row or adjust the line spacing

Takak Ohashi September 20, 2021


I’m currently modifying notification template and found there is a gap in line spacing – we would like to make it like what is showing in the preview screen, but test email was received with a bit difference in line spacing.

Is it possible to adjust the size of line spacing or add blank line between English and Japanese?

Kindly regards,

Takaki OhashiNotification template.pngtest email.png

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 21, 2021

Hello @Takak Ohashi,

Thank you for reaching out to Atlassian Community!

When editing the notification template, you can use HTML elements to change the space between the paragraphs.

With this said, you can add one or more <br> tags to add line breaks between English and Japanese.

Please, take your time to test and let us know how it goes.

Kind regards,

Takak Ohashi September 26, 2021

Thank you for the reply and solution. I was able to add one line space. I'm working on removing space between 1st and 2nd line of English to be same as 1st and 2nd of Japanese, which has no additional spaces. I have made the same coding that is same as Japanese one but there still have space in English. Could you suggest a way to remove the space (below in yellow)?

test email_20210927.png

Notification template_20210927.png

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 27, 2021

Hi @Takak Ohashi,

I believe this is related to the paragraph tag.

Can you please remove <p> and </p> to test?

You can also remove the other ones since there are no tags opening a new paragraph and it's not the correct format.

Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 13.31.38.png

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