Customize SLA for one ticket type in service desk.

Jason Weddell
September 5, 2024

I run the service desk and for most issues, our project-wide SLA rules are just fine. However, there is a regular ticket type that gets submitted where we don't actually have to act on it until a date far in the future - a few weeks to months, most of the time.

These tickets sit in our service desk for months, skewing our resolution metrics.

I've looked at the SLA parameters and they seem to be configured only at the project level. I'm looking for a way to configure these at a ticket level. The FAQ search hasn't produced useful results, so I'm wondering if my search parameters are off target.

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September 5, 2024

Hey @Jason Weddell 

You can achieve this most simply by creating a new issue type and apply it to that, I'll call it "Scheduled Request".

You should then add a new SLA criteria ahead of the "All other issues" in your SLAs and have the JQL below:

issuetype = "Scheduled Request"

You'll also want to have a slightly different workflow for this request type, add a new status before your original "on creation status" (such as "Open"). For this new status, I'll call it "Awaiting scheduled date".

Set up your SLA to start when "Entered Status: Open".

Now, finally, setup an automation rule that will move the ticket to Open on that scheduled date:

  • Trigger: Schedule
    • Frequency: Daily
    • Time: You pick (I usually go with 00:00)
    • Add JQL into the schedule to limit the tickets:
      issuetype = "Scheduled Request" AND duedate >= startOfDay()
    • Make sure you untick "Only include requests that have changed since last run"
  • Action: Transition issue
    • Destination Status: Open


Hopefully that helps!

Jason Weddell
September 5, 2024

I'll be giving this a shot. thanks for your quick reply!

Jason Weddell
September 10, 2024

Thanks for the detailed comment!

I added the "Pending scheduled date" to the workflow for the new issue type, but it added that status to the workflow of all issue types and now I can't delete the status because the workflow is active.

What I think I was supposed to do was not have my On Create transition go to Pending Scheduled date, but to have On Create go to To-Do as well as Pending Scheduled Date.

to illustrate, instead of Create>Pending>To-Do, it should be Create>To-Do and Pending>To-Do.

Then I set it up so that the new issue type automatically goes to Pending until the scheduled date.

Is that correct?

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September 13, 2024

Hey @Jason Weddell 

I've encountered that as well! Not being able to remove statuses as it's not draft! You are correct in that we need 2 separate workflows for the issue types.

Option 1 - Aligning with my Suggestion

So be sure to have that new issue type added to your project as well:

So now, let's assume you have the below issue types in your JSM project:

  • Default Issues: Incident, Service Request
  • Your custom issue: Scheduled Request

You'll want to have 2 workflows (at least), one for the default issue types, and a separate one for Scheduled Request.

On the workflow for the other issue types, you would NOT have that new status - to remove it you can copy it and call it "v2" at the end, and then associate that with those issue types: 

Then, you'd have your new workflow which has the flow of Create > Pending > To-Do and associate that ONLY with your new issue type of "Scheduled Request".

Option 2 - Your Automation

You are also correct in that you could have the workflow be Create > Pending > To Do, and then setup an automation which simply moves the issue automatically into To Do if it is NOT a Scheduled Request, but this could consume a lot of automation executions depending on the volume of issues on your project.

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