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Customer not able to see submitted from other users in organization

Hayden Moser December 18, 2023

I have a customer whose account is unable to find submissions submitted by another co-worker under the same organization.  This customer provided me her login credentials and I confirmed that there were quite a few submissions not showing up for her (which I also confirmed were submitted by her co-worker in the same organization).  I only was able to get one of the missing submissions to show up on her account once I added her as a "Request participant" to the original submission by her co-worker. 

This organization uses email to submit tickets, but I can't figure out why they aren't coming up on her account.  Can someone please provide guidance/assistance?

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December 18, 2023

Hi @Hayden Moser

Welcome to the Atlassian Community.
By default, tickets are only visible to their reporters unless the configuration is changed in JSM. To achive it, there are two steps to be followed:

1. Organize your customers users into organizations:

2. Change your JSM Project configuration to allow tickets to be visible for the organization under Global configurations > Applications > Jira Service Management Configuration

IMPORTANT: in case only specific requests can be shared among users of same organization, you should allow users to share only with their organization pairs under Project Settings > Customer Settings > Who can customers share requests with

Please do not forget to accept this answer in case this helps you solve your question as it may help other users from the community.


Hayden Moser December 27, 2023

Hi @eugenio_onofre ,

I can't find any setting option for "Global Configurations", can you please specify exactly where this setting is?  

We already have this customer added as their own organization.

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 28, 2023

Are you a Jira Admin?

Hayden Moser December 29, 2023

I am.  Neither myself nor our company's primary administrator who set everything up with Jira can find a setting called "Global Configurations". 


I do see the word "Global" along with other settings inside Jira Service Management:

1. Settings > System > "Global permissions"

2. Settings > System > "Global automation"


But other than that, no "Global configuration".  If I'm missing a step here and am looking in the wrong spot, please provide a step-by-step from the start and I would super appreciate it!

Hayden Moser January 3, 2024

@eugenio_onofre any suggestions?

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