Hello Everyone.
My company users the customer portal for our colleagues who are not Agents.
Now - the common thread in feedback is that the portal is to busy or they cant find anything.
How did you set up your customer portal?
Do you have the same "complaints"
How do we make the user experience better?
Yes I do use groupings and we still have these kinds of complaints.
I train and make use of the search function too.
What would be really nice is if there was branching capability on the customer portal.
For example - the common thing people say is "i cant log on" but like we need to know more detail like
You cannot log on where? Your physical device or specific software? Or is it your connection
Does anyone use that kind of thing?
Well you do have a couple options for that.
One would be to (if you have it) leverage Insight as your CMDB and as I mentioned consolidate your request types to ask a question in the form.
With Insight you could already do that towards:
- I have a problem with an application _> which appplication would then be chosen on the form through an Insight custom field.
However, it seems you want more capabilities and then you might like to look towards an app like Proforma (which was also recently acquired by Atlassian).
This allows you to create dynamic forms where you can really hide/show sections and go in to a more question like flow.
I'm specifically mentioning Proforma as it is acquired it most likely will become part of the product later on.
Thanks for the feedback - looking forward to reviewing that
Our end users never used the forms the way we intended, so we just simplified the request types and it's been a huge help. Most of our JSM projects all use the same request types.
Hello @Patrick Haley
Thanks for you feedback. In my case - the issues reported is done by various teams.
We don't have a "middle-person" to direct queries, so when they choose a request, it should go to the respective team. And we have so many different teams.
I need to make our user experience easy. We have WAY to many options
Hi @Robin Stemmers ,
What you are trying to do is put in place a services catalogue. You have to do that from the POV of your clients and use terms and structure that make sense to them. They don't care which teams does what, they just want to find the service they need, create the ticket and have someone resolve the request.
It is not a simple or easy thing to do. In the ITSM world it is the practice named Service Catalogue Management.
Like Dirk said, using Pro-forma and Insight customfield together will simplify your user forms. You will be able to use attributes from the configuration item (with insight customfield) to assign the tickect to right teams/user
Agree - its the service catalogue - But in my world "IT English" and "Business English" is not always the same English (LOL)