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Customer Request Access to Portal

Kyle Ouellette September 21, 2021

Is there any feature currently available or on the roadmap that would allow customers to request access to a given portal? We currently have our help center configured to allow anyone to create an account, but there doesn't appear to be a mechanism for those accounts to request to be added as a custom to the given project/portal.

Ideally, the customer could request access and a project admin could accept or deny them. As I see it, currently the only way for a customer to request access would be via some other communication channel in which we would have to go and add them as a customer.

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Jack Brickey
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September 21, 2021

There is currently no way of doing that. The issue becomes how does the customer even know what projects/ portals exist when they navigate to the help center?

One idea you could consider would be to create a knowledge base article about requesting access to projects. In there you could provide a list of projects that you want to make available to customers and provide a description of each of those projects. You could add a link that would create a request in an existing projects that they have access to or an email that would result in a ticket in your helpdesk project two then add them to that new project. Sort of a crazy idea but thought I'd throw it out there.

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