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Customer Knowledge Base is showing related articles from our Internal Knowledge Base

Layla Emerson September 13, 2022

When a customer searches the support portal, it is showing related articles from our internal kb. When the customer clicks on the link, it gives a "page not found" error, so they are not able to access them, but we still don't want them to show up in the customer-facing kb. 

All of the articles in the attached screenshot are from our internal kb, but this was pulled from the support portal. 

I have turned off "Related Pages" in the Manage Spaces section of each space, but articles are still showing up regardless of which kb they are in. .

I'm a new-ish Jira / Confluence user so perhaps I'm just not finding the right settings.



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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 13, 2022

Hi @Layla Emerson 

Have you connected your internal space to a JSM project? If yes, then unconnect it to stop showing KB articles.

Layla Emerson September 14, 2022

Thank you Alex for your reply!

Yes, they were linked and I will unconnect for now, but we'd still like to have the relevant customer kb articles show up.  Is that possible?  It seems like it should be, but I just can't figure out how to disconnect the internal kb, which is not linked.


Thanks again!

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 14, 2022

It's not linked to any JSD project?

Layla Emerson September 16, 2022

I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by "It" isn't linked.  We had our Confluence Customer KB linked to our Jira Support Project.  

The problem is that articles from our Internal KB are showing up in the Related Articles section. That one is not linked.

When I unlinked the Customer KB from the Support project, our customers now can't search for any articles at all.  When a query is typed, they get nothing.

I want our customers to access our Customer KB, but can't figure out why Internal KB articles are still showing up in the Related Articles section. 

I hope that makes sense.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 16, 2022

@Layla Emerson 

You have connected your confluence space with your JSD for customer. That's fine and you want that, in order for your customer to search for articles.

But since the 1st comment I made, I am talking about the second internal space you have. Is that internal KB space connected to ANY jsd project in your instance?

Layla Emerson September 19, 2022

Thank you for your patience, Alex! 

No, the second Internal KB is not linked to any Jira projects.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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September 19, 2022

Try removing any labels with "kb" inside and see if these pages appear on the customers.

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