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Customer Field Automation

Lucca Fernandes May 6, 2024

Good morning guys,


I have a mission to do:


Today, we use JIRA Service Management to serve our customers, we needed to create an automation that would identify the rapporteur's email and automatically associate the Organization field based on the email that is linked to it.


In addition, I have another field called ENTERPRISE that has exactly the same content as the Organization, I needed that whenever the customer opens a ticket in JIRA and does not inform the ENTERPRISE field based on the email he opened the automation to identify which was the organization that he is registered and link both the organization field and the ENTERPRISE field.


I made an automation like this:

Captura de Tela 2024-05-06 às 14.45.14.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-05-06 às 14.44.54.png


You can see that I'm using a predefined field to link the organization, but I would like to use a logic for it to do this automatically and I don't need to put all the organizations I have because they are MANY

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Vijay Dadi
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May 6, 2024

Dear @Lucca Fernandes ,

If you are looking for a trigger condition, you can use {{reporter.emailaddress}}="xxx" smart value to build your automation. I am  not able to understand the language in screenshot.

Hope it helps !


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