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Create a new queue filtered by 'portal groups'

Marco Spinetti
I'm New Here
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September 21, 2021


I am a newbie, I created 5 different queues in the portal, now I am trying to create also 5 different queues in the back office to manage the requests from the portal, mirroring the portal setup. I can't find the filter showing those groups. I find just the type of request (email, raise an incident, ask a question etc..)



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Jack Brickey
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September 21, 2021

Hi Marco, welcome to the community.

So when you say you've created five different queues in the portal I think what you are referring to here are groups not queues. Unfortunately groups or not available within JQL. You can create the cues using request types however if you have a request type appearing in multiple groups then this really won't work for you. There was a suggestion opened a couple of years back but it was closed is not being considered - JSDCLOUD-3472 

Marco Spinetti
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 21, 2021

Thanks Jack, that's exaclty what I meant. It's really unfortunate because it would be the best option for my needs. I need to replicate the same request types for each group. Ok got it. Thanks for the answer :) 

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