Closure date

March 9, 2021


Is the creation of the closure date field a reportable field in the pipeline, please? I am able to report on created date, updated date but not closed which is more important than the other 2.



2 answers

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Jack Brickey
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March 10, 2021


you need to set the Resolution when closing issues. Not in you image it is not set. If it were you would see a green ✅ next to the green Done status and there would be a value qualifier, e.g. Done. 

you have two options (well more but we will cover the two common ones here.

  1. edit your workflow and simply add a Post Function to any unique transitions into your done category status(es) to set the field value to your desired value, e.g. done. Also be sure to clear the Resolution field using a PF on any reopen transitions.
  2. Create a resolve-issue screen and expose the resolution field to allow the user to add the desired value when transitioning to done. This screen is added to the transition. Again be sure to clear the field on reopen.
March 10, 2021

Hi Jack,

can you share with me some knowledge base articles? I am not able to replicate the 1st instruction to edit the workflow. 



March 11, 2021


Can anybody please advise how to proceed. I am not able to follow the instructions.



Jack Brickey
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March 11, 2021

hi @erika , Let's dive in and figure it out...

  1. click on project settings and scroll down to Workflows
  2. click on the pencil icon for the workflow associated w/ the issuetype you are interested in. if you only have one then no thinking needed here. :-)
  3. click on Diagram mode so you are editing the workflow as a diagram.
  4. looking at your workflow you want to click on any unique transition into your Done status. by unique I mean you might see several transitions going into your Done status but if they are all named the same then it really is a single transition. Or you may be using "All" into Done which, again, makes this easy.
  5. on the right you will see a pop up. click on Post Functions
  6. in the next screen select Add post function
  7. in the next screen choose the "Update issue field" and click Add
  8. in the next screen select Resolution in the Issue field drop down and in the Field Value select your desired resolution value, e.g. Done and finally click Add
  9. At this point you have created a "static" resolution value for all issues that get moved to Done via the transition you edited. If you have other transitions into Done repeat 5-8.
  10. Now you are going to want to clear the Resolution if you reopen the issue. For any transition out of Done, say you have a transition from Done back to In Progress, then you will repeat 5-8 EXCEPT you will choose the clear field option instead of Update issue field. Hope that makes since. Note if your workflow is using the "All" transitions then you would need to do this for each transition into every status except the "Done" status(es). Again, hope that makes sense what we are doing here.
  11. Finally, be sure to Publish the workflow.
  12. Finally Finally, test.

Last words: the above is for a "static" resolution value solution. If you want to have the user select the resolution then you need to not use the PF method above but rather present a resolution screen on each transition into Done and add a Validator to the transition to require them to select a value. There are lots of post in the community on all of this so I encourage you to use the Search bar. There are alternative approaches that some use with Automation as well.

March 14, 2021

Hi Jack,

I am sorry but I am not able to follow your instructions. I cannot see the workflow option anywhere in project settings. Image1.png

March 14, 2021

Hi Jack,

Here is additional screen shot of WF options but still I cannot see any pencil icon anywhere. We are using JIRA next-gen service manager. 


Jack Brickey
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March 14, 2021

These screen shots indicate you are looking in the wrong place. I have to wonder if you are using a next-gen project AKA Team Managed Project. Can you send an image of your project page? Do you see Project settings in the side bar? If so please select and then see if you have Workflows. If so select.

March 15, 2021

Hi Jack,

Is this what you are looking for?Image1.png

March 16, 2021

Hi Jack,

Is there any possibility to connect via skype/zoom/teams and help me to navigate through this?



Jack Brickey
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March 16, 2021

I would like to see a screenshot of your specific project like below. Do you see something similar? Do you see Project settings?


March 16, 2021


March 16, 2021


March 16, 2021

request types.JPG

Jack Brickey
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March 16, 2021

ok. so as I suspected this is a next-gen project. so forget all of the previous details above and reset here. :-(

In NG the resolution is automatically set to Done when an issue is moved to the Done column/status. This should be the right-most column in your board. Moreover, when you do this the resolution date should be set as illustrated in the below diagrams.



March 16, 2021


Hi Jack,

We don't seem to have it set up this way. 


Jack Brickey
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March 16, 2021

Can you share an image of your project’s board and underlying workflow?

March 17, 2021

Hi Jack,

sharing the screen shots. We dont have WF options in project settings but in service project settings.

Can we please agree a time and get on a phone and solve this?Image1.pngImage2.png

March 22, 2021

Hi Jack,

Any suggestions on how to proceed. Can we please jump on a call together?



Jack Brickey
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March 22, 2021

Is Done you right-most column of your board?

March 22, 2021

Sorry, i do not understand the question. 

March 22, 2021

You may close this ticket/conversation. We have figured this out.

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 10, 2021

Hi @erika ,

try using "resolutiondate". It should be the date when the ticket has been resolved.

Hope this helps,


March 10, 2021

Hi Fabio,

This is does not generate any data for us. Such field is not even part of our tickets. 


Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 10, 2021

Hi @erika ,

this field should be updated each time that the resolution change on your ticket. Please, could you check if the Resolution field is managed within your workflow?


March 10, 2021

Hi Fabio,

I am not sure what do you mean by having the field within the workflow, however in the screenshot you can see that we are actively using it, meaning, this field is filled out when closing the ticket.



Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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March 10, 2021

Hi @erika ,

if so the resolutiondate should be automatically set on you tickets. Take a look here in order to perform some other check


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