Cierre de tickets Masivos

Oscar Rene Peralta Sanchez November 1, 2023

Hola Comunidad espero todos tengan un excelente dia, tengo una consulta


Desde que iniciamos con Jira Service Management tengo ticket con tiempo de resolucion agotado y quiero cerrar la mayoria de manera masiva

Mi consulta es puedo cerrarlos todos de un solo, añadiendo como filtro los que tengan mayor a un año sin ser atendido?


Saludos y muchas gracias de antemano 

2 answers

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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November 1, 2023

@Oscar Rene Peralta Sanchez -

Welcome to the community.  Yes, you can.  All you need to do is to construct your issue search query and conduct the "Bulk Change" operation to close out the issues returned based on your search.

Example - 




One key thing that you need to verify is that your issues' current WF status has a valid transition to the CLOSED/DONE terminal status.  If not, you will need to modify the WF(s) to include a transition to the terminal status from the issues' current WF status first.  Afterward, then you can utilize the "Bulk Change" functionality to bulk close-out issues.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Oscar Rene Peralta Sanchez November 1, 2023

Thank u Joseph Chung Yin!!

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Trudy Claspill
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November 1, 2023

Hola @Oscar Rene Peralta Sanchez ,

Bienvenido a la comunidad Atlassian.

¿Cuál es su definición de un ticket que ha estado desatendido durante más de un año?

Podrías crear un filtro que busque problemas en los que la última fecha de actualización tenga más de un año:

actualizado < -365d y estado != tu estado cerrado y proyecto = tu proyecto Jira

Si tiene el permiso de Operaciones masivas, puede usar la opción Cambio masivo

 Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.35.33 PM.png


...para hacer la transición de los boletos a su estado cerrado.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.37.50 PM.png



Welcome to the Atlassian community.

What is your definition for a ticket that has been unattended for more than a year?

You could create a filter that looks for issues where the last updated date is older than a year:

updated < -365d and status != your closed status and project = your Jira Project

If you have the Bulk Operations permission, you could then use the Bulk Change option transition the tickets to your closed status.



Closing of Massive tickets

Hello Community, I hope everyone has a great day, I have a question.


Since we started with Jira Service Management, I have had a ticket with a resolution timeout and I want to close most of them en masse.

My question is, can I close them all at once, adding as a filter those that have been unattended for more than a year?


Greetings and thank you very much in advance

Oscar Rene Peralta Sanchez November 1, 2023

Excelente muchas gracias estimados, con tus indicaciones ya logre resolver mi inconveniente te lo agradezco

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