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Changing a user name in Jira breaks history in Service Management

Matt P March 24, 2023

We are running into a unique problem where when we update a username in Jira, Service Management is unaware of the change and create a new user.



Change username in jira of USER1 to BEST_USER1

Service desk syncs and see's that USER1 no longer exists, makes that user inactive and creates a new user with a new user_key for BEST_USER1 in the APP_USER table.


This makes the user lose all history in Service desk.



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Matt P March 24, 2023

As an update, if we switch the username back in Jira to what it was, it will regain all it's Service Management links and reactivate the deactivated account.  Seems odd that Service Management cannot identify a username change in Jira and sync that correctly to Service Desk and update the username for that account. 

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