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Can a custom field have multiple contexts under the same project?

Edward Moxley June 6, 2024

I have a custom (assets) field that I want to expose on an issue as a single value select for some issue types, and a multi-value select for other issue types, within the same project. I tried to configure different contexts, but that didn't work as planned (the field didn't show up in some issue types).. And yes, I made sure I selected the appropriate issue types for each context. When I specified the project in one context, it didn't allow me to select it in another context. When I made one context global and then created another context for just some issue types in my project, the field didn't even appear for those issue types.

Is there a solution or workaround? Or do I need to create 2 custom fields; one for single values and one for multi-values?


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Stevan Mandić
Rising Star
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June 7, 2024


@Edward Moxley  When creating a new context for a custom field, you can only change the default value and options and apply that context to a certain issue type (project).
If your custom field is single-select,  creating a new context will not allow you to switch to multi-select options.
The solution is to create separate custom fields, one single-select, and the other multi-select.

Edward Moxley June 7, 2024

In our instance, the ability to allow a field to have multiple selections, is at the context level. I want to have a different context for different issue types. For Service Request it will be one. For Change Requests it will be multiple. According to the Context set up, it looks like I can configure that, but it doesn't appear to be working correctly.



Default Configuration Scheme for Asset Custom Field Name

Default configuration scheme generated by Jira

Applicable contexts for scheme:

Edit Configuration

Issue type(s):           


"Project Name Here"

Assets object/s field configuration:

Edit Assets object/s field configuration

Object schema: ITASSET

Filter scope (AQL): objectType = "Asset Schema"

Filter issue scope (AQL): 

Allow search filtering by these attributes: Field 1, Field 2

Object attributes to display on issue view: Field 1, Field 2

Field can store multiple objects: No   <---------------

Display a default object when this field appears in a customer portal: No

Stevan Mandić
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 7, 2024

@Edward Moxley  sorry, my answer was not related to Asset custom fields...

  • Regarding asset and contexts, i found this (it looks like it is not possible to apply different context per Issue type within same project):

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