Can a JIRA member without a JSM License Be Added as a Participant and Comment on a JSM Issue?

sean February 27, 2025

We have a JSW Cloud with about 40 users, and we have a JSM Cloud with 5 Agents. We would like to allow certain members of the JSW Cloud (our account managers) be added as participants / watchers on JSW support requests by their accounts. Since the Account Managers are not Service Agents, they currently cannot. Is there a way our internal Account Managers be added to just view and comment on JSM support tickets without having to be granted a Service Desk Agent license?

Looking at the Project Settings -> People and Access, I see a "Project Team Members" Role, but I'm not sure what that does. Can that be enabled for the purpose I'm describing?

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Mikael Sandberg
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February 27, 2025

Yes, any user can be added as request participants and they will then have the abilities as the reporter to add comments to a ticket via the portal. All you have to do for these internal users is to add them as Service Desk Customer in the project.

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