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Can I have two sites in an Organisation,how can I do that?

Vera Valshonok November 28, 2023

I am a jira admin and I want to create another (second) jira site for the same organization. 

We , then, plan to migrate projects from other organization site to this one.


The question is can  we create a second site for the same organization, Where can I gfind info explaining the process. 

Also we need to understand if we will work on new sub-domain all of our capabilities for the main account will be accessible on the new site as well? for example add-on, forms, automations etc.

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Rising Star
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November 28, 2023

Hi @Vera Valshonok 

Creating multiple sites is not possible for premium cloud plan, it is only possible in Enterprise plan. You can see the comparison of different plans in here.

Check the Features section. Hope it helps!

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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November 29, 2023

Hello @Vera Valshonok 

Can you tell us about more about your use case? What problem are you trying to solve?

Why do you want to set up a second copy of the product on another site in the same organization?

Why do you want to migrate projects?

Would you expect to have some projects still accessible on the first Jira instance?

Perhaps if you provide more info about the problem you are trying to solve and why you are trying to solve it, we will be able to suggest alternatives.

Vera Valshonok November 29, 2023

Yes, its for the projects we want to migrate from other organization but  the access to it for the partners is different,we need to have other site to have one projects work one wayand other - differnt way for customer access

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
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November 29, 2023

What aspects of the customer access need to be different?

Are you sure that those differences can't be handled with project specific settings?

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