Browse project permission for "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" has no effect?

Heily Hindrea July 7, 2015

Good day!

I am trying to understand the logic on how JIRA project permissions and JIRA Service Desk permissions work together.

In the default JIRA Service Desk Project permissions I can see that 'Browse project' permission is given to the "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access".

I tested it out.

  1. I added myself only to the Service Desk Customer project role.
  2. Permission scheme states that Browse Project permission is granted to  "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access".

Result - I do not have the access to the issue on JIRA side. I can see it only in the Customer Portal.

Expected result - I could browse the issue also in JIRA side.

Why does the default permission scheme set the Browse Permission to  "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" if it does not have any affect? What purpose does that serve? It's kind of confusing...

As far as I understand the "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" permission type should be only set to permissions that can have an activity on the Portal side. Like 'Create Issue' and 'Comment issue' permissions. Customers can actually perform those tasks in the Customer Portal. 

And also I understand that the "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" permission type does not serve as a group that could give me access to browsing project let's say. I need to add myself to a another group to browse the project - the "Service Desk Customer - Portal Access" is not enough for that.

Or maybe I just do not get it laugh.





3 answers

4 votes
Bernardo San Juan
October 15, 2015

Hey, just for the record, I am now testing Service Desk and so far the only thing I can say is that the permissions and licensing (specially now with migration hub) is getting way to complex.

The documentation is getting ultra complex 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2015

Thanks for the feedback Bernardo! What specific areas that confuse you? We always welcome feedback and will improve where we can. :)

Heily Hindrea October 20, 2015

I feel the same. When coming from the licenses 1.0 to the migration .. it has taken me 2 days to understand whether or not we need o change anything and how the change is affecting us. Sometimes the guide texts refer to user groups that are not present in our instances and guides are not giving enough technical detail. For example - agents are counted based on the Service Desk Agent permission in the permission scheme. Instead the guides assume you are always using the default permission scheme settings...

February 19, 2018

I'm suffering from the same problem and now it even got worse. we just upgraded to the latest version. As an administrator I was able to reassign tickets in JDS to customers. Now, after the upgrade, can no longer do so and it complains with errors when add in project permissions schema a group of users to 'Assigneable users'. The group has albo been added to JIRA SERVICE DESK CUSTOMERS in 'Users and roles'.  When testing via Permission Helper it's showing me that my user account has to have a license??? It's just a customer in a group that has access to JIRA. Looking at the link it appears customers don't need any licenses - super confusing Atlassian!

1 vote
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 7, 2015
Heily Hindrea July 12, 2015

Got Page not found :(

Like Noah Hofmann likes this
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 14, 2015

My apologies :( The permissions assigned to customers are granted to the Service Desk Customer - Portal Access security type instead of the Service Desk Customers role. The Service Desk Customer - Portal Access security type gives people access to the Customer Portal only (not JIRA). This security type checks the Service Desk Customers role to determine who are customers. So in summary, the security type and the role work hand in hand to make sure that customers get the permissions they need to use the Customer Portal and cannot access JIRA. For example, if you want your customers to be able to create requests through your Customer Portal, grant the Create Issues permission to the Service Desk Customer - Portal Access security type, not the Service Desk Customers role. The security type checks the Customers role to determine who are customers. Hope this might help. Matt

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 14, 2015
0 votes
Timo Pitkäranta
July 7, 2015

Does your user have JIRA license (=included in jira-users) or is it a customer?

Heily Hindrea July 12, 2015

We use JIRA and JIRA Service Desk in house, so yes Customer Portal users are also JIRA users (=jira-users).

February 19, 2018

JDS now complains with a permission error when you add Customer Portal Users to 'Assigneable user' in project permissions schema. Either, they've chaged it and didn't tell customers or the upgrade broke something. This should not have happened as we didn't change any settings. I can no longer reassign JDS tickets :( Very bad experience and JRA is becoming more of a pain with each release... we'll be looking for alternatives if they continue like this.

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