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Automation for Scheduled Changes

Dan Allenby November 13, 2023

Hi All,


I am trying to setup some automation to raise a change for a clients patching on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Id like the change to be raised on the 3rd Wednesday of each Month so we can gain approval and perform the Pre-checks, starting on the Friday.  Patching commences on the Sunday and Post checks on Monday.

I tried to create this using a Cron Expression -0 10 * * 3#3, but when I try and save the automation I get the following error. The '#' option was used incorrectly.

Does anyone have any idea's?

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Marko Blagus
Rising Star
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November 13, 2023

Hello @Dan Allenby,


Would you try with this Cron expression which is scheduled for 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10am: 0 0 10 ? * 4#3

Also, Wednesday is 4th day of the week because Sunday is 1st, not Monday.

I hope this helps.


Best regards,

Marko Blagus 

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