Automation excluding the weekends in the counting process

Reb Bravo March 24, 2024

Good day! Question regarding automation excluding the weekends in counting. Since we are running the 3 strike rule, we're currently sending proactive follow-up messages to our clients at 7-day intervals.

However, we've encountered an issue where these messages are still being sent out on weekends.

Is there a way for us to exclude weekends from the counting process? For instance, if the 7th-day falls on a Saturday, we'd like to skip that day and send the follow-up message on the next business day, which would be Monday. Is this possible?

For your reference, here are the JQL queries we are using.

  • 1st Strike : 
    project = "ESD" AND status = "Waiting for customer" AND (labels is EMPTY OR NOT (labels = "1st_strike" OR labels = "hold_3strike")) AND "Customer Request Type" != "UAT Feedback (ESD)" AND (assignee in membersOf(product-support) OR assignee in (712020:459e9b3a-2572-41f9-a936-0de543d66153, 712020:0ed0ea96-04b3-4fcf-950f-3751ad639a37, 712020:624e71285f63fd0069b70286)) AND not status changed after -7d
  • 2nd Strike : 
    project = "ESD" AND status = "Waiting for customer" AND (labels is EMPTY OR NOT (labels = "2nd_strike" OR labels = "hold_3strike")) AND "Customer Request Type" != "UAT Feedback (ESD)" AND (assignee in membersOf(product-support) OR assignee in (712020:459e9b3a-2572-41f9-a936-0de543d66153, 712020:0ed0ea96-04b3-4fcf-950f-3751ad639a37, 712020:624e71285f63fd0069b70286)) AND not status changed after -14d
  • 3rd Strike :project = "ESD" AND status = "Waiting for customer" AND (labels is EMPTY OR NOT (labels = "3rd_strike" OR labels = "hold_3strike")) AND "Customer Request Type" != "UAT Feedback (ESD)" AND (assignee in membersOf(product-support) OR assignee in (712020:459e9b3a-2572-41f9-a936-0de543d66153, 712020:0ed0ea96-04b3-4fcf-950f-3751ad639a37, 712020:624e71285f63fd0069b70286)) AND not status changed after -20d

Thank you in advance for your help!



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Ajay _view26_
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March 24, 2024

Hi @Reb Bravo 

Have you tried using 

Next business day {{[date].toBusinessDay}}

Takes the given date, and returns the next business date. If the given date is a business day, then it will return the given date.

Example of {{[date].toBusinessDay}}

Ref -

Reb Bravo March 25, 2024

Thank you, just to clarify we are trying to create this via JQL Query. We have shared the query above on what we are currently using. Is there a JQL Query to achieve this?



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