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At least one object type needs to be enabled in order for the import to be enabled

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December 19, 2023

I'm managing assets and try to create new structure and data.

I did an export from my ObjectType to get  the template to allow me to import other items.

On configuration Import section I have create a new import rule.

The Test Configuration worked but after I cannot run it, the error is :


At least one object type needs to be enabled in order for the import to be enabled


What you will suggest to resolve this issue or to import massively my data?

Thank you

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Dirk Ronsmans
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December 19, 2023

@Pit87 ,

When you create you import it consists of multiple parts.

  1. Your general import settings (source)
  2. Your object type mappings (where you say what from the source needs to go to the object type/attributes)

When you create the mappings the object type mapping is created as disabled. So you need to click next to it and enable both the general import configuration and at least a single object type underneath so the import knows where to send the data to.

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