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Adding non-licensed users as a team member

Angelo Gamay
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August 24, 2021

In order to keep my Service Desk Agents license in control, need your help understanding how can I add a user on a team that won't require another license. I have two users I want to add as team members I could collaborate with to address/resolve issues without making them agents. 

As of now, every time I needed one's help, I only add them as participants which I think doesn't differ from a customer. The only way we collaborate is by under the comment section on the Issue Summary page where even the customer can see what is supposedly internal discussions.

I am just wondering if only I could add my 2 teammates without additional cost for the license. It will definitely make our work much easier and budget-friendly. 


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Jack Brickey
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 24, 2021

If these other users have JSW or JWM licenses and you want them to be able to browse and comment on JSM tickets then simply ensure that they have browse and comment permissions for the specific project in question. this will not require them to have a JSM license.

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