Sharing JSM tickets via the Confluence Knowledge base

Hi Community,

What do we want to achieve?

Sometimes, there is a need to share JSM tickets within the organization. 

In our use-case, customers have the possibility to report dangerous situations on the workfloor via the JSM portal by creating a JSM ticket. (Ex. A fire escape door has been temporarily blocked, construction work is going on in a specific part of the plant, …).

The organization wants all employees / customers to be aware of these situations. 

JSM already provides some options to share tickets:

  • Share individual tickets manually with specific people
  • Automatically share tickets within your organization

In these cases, the tickets are visible in the users ticket overview in the portal. And this also allows the customers to receive updates, add comments, etc ….

But in our case, we don’t want to setup organizations. We don’t want to share all information, we don’t want them to receive updates or allow them to comment on them. 


Our solution

After some investigation, we decided it would be best if we could just publish an overview of all open ticket, on the Confluence knowledge base, connected to the portal.


How we did it

All you really need is a Confluence page, and an automation rule that updates this page with ticket information.

So first, create a page in your Confluence Knowledge base. You will need the PageID in order to be able to update the page via the automation rule.

Next, you need to build the automation rule that will update this page with ticket information. It will look something like this.



Steps in the automation rule: 

  • The trigger executes this automation rule at a regular interval (ex. each hour or each day. But you could also do it each time a new ticket is created).
  • The “Lookup Issues” action retrieves a list of all open JSM tickets via a JQL query.
  • Then, use the Confluence API to retrieve the page with the PageID
  • Next, retrieve the current version of the page, and increase the version by 1. You won’t be able to update the page if you don’t increase the version number.


  • Then, use the Confluence API to send a new version of the page, with the pageID and the new version number. You can construct a table in the "Value" parameter where you loop over the retrieved ticketnumber with the {{lookupIssues}} smart value.

Send Request.png

That’s it.


How does it look in the portal and Confluence?

Since the Knowledge base is already connected to your JSM project in the portal, you can include the URL to the page in a Topic, or in the Request Type page.

Request Type.png

The Confluence page contains a table with all your issues.




April 3, 2024

@Kris Dewachter 

Thank you for this document.

Could you tell if customer is required "View Project" permissoin to see JQL results on Confluence page or not?


Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
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April 4, 2024

Hi @chihara ,

Technically they would not need any permissions on the Jira project. They only would need permissions to see the Confluence page. In this case, since i'm publishing to a knowledge base spaces linked to a JSM project, they would need to have "Customer" permissions.

April 4, 2024

Thank you.

Masayuki Abe
May 30, 2024

@Kris Dewachter 

Thank you for the clear explanation.
I have tried it and confirmed that it works fine.

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Maceo Sikorski
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January 17, 2025

Hey there,

can anyone help me and provide me with the details that have been configured for these fields?
Create variable: {{PageID}}
Send web request: GET https://*

I was able to follow the screenshots and figure the rest out but both looking at the REST Api or other posts doesn't get me to an error-free syntax. 


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