Adding users into you instance is one thing, however removing these users could be another challenge. If you're familiar with Jira's REST API it should be your saving grace to tweak and automate certain things. However making these calls could be challenging for people who are new to it and sometimes you can't get it to work the way you want due to various reasons. Below I'm going to show you how to delete users from your Jira cloud instance (JSM customer users or Jira users) using API and in less than 20 lines of code. Sound exciting, how about you continue reading below to get the insight.
To do this, we're focusing on python and using a python package called jiraone (get it via pip install jiraone).
In order to delete a user on cloud, you will need to know the accountId. How about if there was a way to delete a user without knowing the accountId and simply by just knowing the display name of the user? Well this feature already exist within Jira's API, you just need to know how to call it. Let's start off with a basic call using the jiraone package to delete a user.
from jiraone import LOGIN, endpoint, USER, echo
user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)
# search for users
name_of_user = "Elf App 607"
search = USER.search_user(name_of_user, pull="active", user_type="customer")
for name in search:
# delete a user that's found
delete = LOGIN.delete(endpoint.jira_user(name.get("accountId")))
# returns 204 for successful deletion
if delete.status_code < 300:
echo("User deleted...")
echo("User not deleted...")
Let me explain what is happening on the above code. We need to delete a user with a name of "Elf App 607". Now we're calling our search_user method and our arguments needs to pull only active users of type "customer" - This way we want to only search for JSM customer with that name. If the user exist and is found, we delete and get a response of 204. This same principle applies to Jira users in such a scenario change the user_type argument to "atlassian".
I think we got the hang of things, how about we take this further into bulk deleting multiple users. Remember we're keeping our code within 20 lines and not looking for any accountId but by means of the user's display name. In order to do this, we'll need a file source to wrap our user's display names. You can do this by using a csv file and placing each user's name on a single line and save as a .csv file format. Example below
Elf App 607
Elf App 61
Elf App 405
from jiraone import LOGIN, endpoint, USER, echo, file_reader
args = "email", "token", ""
read = file_reader(file_name="user_files.csv")
get_user_list = []
get_account_id = []
for users in read:
for names in get_user_list:
search = USER.search_user(names, pull="active", user_type="customer", skip=True)
for name in search:
for aid in get_account_id:
delete = LOGIN.delete(endpoint.jira_user(aid))
if delete.status_code < 300:
print("User deleted")
echo("User not deleted...")
Now we're going for a bulk delete of users, we start by using a tuple that way we can reduce our code line to just one and keep it within 20 lines of code. It has to be in a sequence to follow user, password and url keyword arguments from the LOGIN variable as shown in the first example above. We prepare two empty list to capture the names of the users after being read and the accountId after being found. In the latter situations, if the users is not found, the script will automatically terminate with an error of user not found. Once we get all the user's accountId we've listed out, then we run a delete of the users.
Prince Nyeche