Closed issues are being rolled over every sprint

Chris Green August 19, 2019

Each time we close a sprint (~monthly) there are additional issues that are rolled over to the new sprint

Within each sprint, we do a number of releases and 'releasing' the tickets in JIRA sets the status of the tickets in that release (aka fix version) to 'Closed'

Only 1 sprint is active at any time, and the 'Active sprints' Board, currently containing 90 tickets of type Bug, Task, Epic, Spike, Improvement, New Feature (no sub-tasks), in status'
Reopened, In Progress, Under Review, Ready for QA (No 'Done' or 'Closed' tickets)

The 'Backlog' view contains 1 active sprint and 2 inactive (future) sprints and a Backlog

On the 'Column Management' page (RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=12&config=columns) there are 2779 issues showing as 'Done'

When trying to close the sprint it shows "0 issues were done" (consistent with the above) but then shows "511 issues were incomplete"

When I search issues by Sprint 520 issues appear, 429 of which imported in to the sprint from the last sprint as "Closed" (with varying resolutions, Duplicate, Won't Do, Done, Not Applicable, etc) from as far back as June 2016 that have been rolled through 17 different sprints

This affects the burndown chart, as the story points are not shown as released at the end of any sprints

I tried doing a bulk action to Close all tickets, but they still rolled over to the next sprint

Any assistance would be appreciated

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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August 20, 2019

When you end the sprint, are the issues in the very last, right-hand,  column on the board?

Chris Green August 20, 2019

Hi @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- ,

The final column on the board only contains the 'Done' status

Is it a requirement that the 'Closed' tickets must be displayed in the last column on your development board in order for them to be released from the sprint?


Chris Green September 1, 2019

Hi @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- 
Did you have any further feedback on this?

Is it a requirement that the 'Closed' tickets must be displayed in the last column on your development board in order for them to be released from the sprint?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 28, 2019

I apologise for my slowness on this.

Yes, the answer is that only the very last column is "done" and burndown charts all reflect that.

Chris Green September 29, 2019

Sorry @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- 

Am I getting 'Closed' and 'Done' tickets confused?

The only workflow I have been able to work with is moving the 'Closed' status in to the last column on the board minutes before I close the sprint, and then moving it back out to 'Unmapped' when I start the next sprint...
Because you can't have 'Done' and 'Closed' in the final column throughout the sprint, otherwise bulk tickets can not be moved in to that column because a transition screen is required on the 'Closed' status transition so a resolution can be chosen. 
Buuuut if 'Closed' is unmapped when you close the Sprint, the tickets roll in to the next sprint

Can you please clarify if this is the only workflow that would achieve this?

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