Discrepancy in REST API response (customFieldValues json section missing)

Shrikant Swami March 5, 2021

I have created 2 fresh test cases:

TC1) https://jira.companyname.com/secure/Tests.jspa#/testCase/ECOMMERCE-T226
TC2) https://jira.companyname.com/secure/Tests.jspa#/testCase/ECOMMERCE-T606

For TC-1, I attach a defect manually. TC-2 remains as it is.

Now when I call below API with proper authentication =>


Json response is for TC-1 is =>

{"archived": false,"averageTime": 8000,"createdBy": "","createdOn": "Z","customFieldValues": [{"customField": {"archived": ,"id": ,"index": ,"name": ,"options": [],"projectId": ,"required": ,"type":},"id": ,"stringValue": ""}],"folder": {"folderType": "TEST_CASE","fullName": "","id": ,"index": ,"parent": {"folderType": "","id": ,"index": ,"name": "","projectId":},"projectId":},
"id": 99073, ===>> numerical test case id <<<===
"issueLinks": [{"id": 47395,"issueId": "490438"}].......

Json response is for TC-2 is =>

{"archived": ,"createdBy": "","createdOn": "","id": ,"key": "","latestVersion": ,"majorVersion": ,"name": "","objective": "","owner": "","parameters": [],"priority": {"color": "","id": ,"index": ,"isDefault": ,"name": "","projectId":},"projectId": 13725,"status": {"color": "","id": ,"index": ,"isDefault": ,"name": "","projectId":},"testData": [],"testScript": {"stepByStepScript": {"id": ,"steps": [......]}}}

Upon careful observation it is observed that "customFieldValues" is missing for TC-2. In the missing section, we receive a numerical TC-id, which I would need for further analysis. 

Note that there is no good response (HTTP-404) for 2.0 / 3.0 version



Please help to resolve this issue.

2 answers

0 votes
Shrikant Swami April 5, 2021

Hi Developers, Please help to resolve this issue.

0 votes
Shrikant Swami March 15, 2021

Hi @Adaptivity Admi  @JIRAADMIN could you please help to resolve this issue.

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