Can't see Story option while creating an issue

Charlie February 6, 2018


I've created a number of projects in Jira, they were all created as Basic Software projects, this option does not provide the "story" option when creating an issue. It looks like under the Scrum option it does, is it possible to enable stories in the Basic option or is it possible to convert the project from Basic to Scrum?



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 6, 2018

The project templates are just templates, they create a load of schemes for the project you are creating.

There is no reason you can or should not modify the created projects to suit you better.  If you want an issue type of Story, go ahead and add it.  Go to project admin and look for the "issue type scheme".  Go into that, and add Story to it.  (You may need to create a new issue type if you don't have it already)

Charlie February 6, 2018

Awesome, thank you Nic! That worked.

William Vine
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November 30, 2020


Found under Project settings>Issue types > +add issue type

I am very new to this. I am working through a tutorial for the first time. My Jira account is not giving me the option to Create  a story. The only options in the drop down are Epic or Task. I have edited the default issue type scheme to include Story. It does not include Task, which does appear in the Dropdown. 

I clicked on the Associate link, which tells me "No projects available to be associated with scheme Default Issue Type Scheme."

What am I missing please?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 30, 2020

Ok, a bit of a ramble on this one:

There are three "layers" (my word, not Atlassian's) of issue type in Jira Software:

  • Epic
  • Issue
  • Sub-task

(only really two layers in Jira Service Management or plain Jira Core - without Software, Epics are the same level as issues).

In the issue and sub-task layers, you can create many types of issue in a global list.  As an example, most Jira systems I run into have Issue level types called Issue, Story, Feature, and then sub-task level has types of sub-task and technical-task.  (They almost all also have "task" as an issue type too, but it's a coin-toss as to whether they're Issue or sub-task level)

One you have this global list of issue types, projects can use them to decide what issue types to offer you when you go to create (or edit or move) issues.  So, you can get different option lists depending on the project. 

Let's imagine you have a scheme that says your project can use:

  • Epic
  • Task
  • Story
  • Config (sub-task level)
  • Technical task (sub-task level)

This is where the level of type starts to matter.  When you go into "create issue", from the menu, or several other places, you will only be offered Epic, Task and Story.

This is because the sub-task level types are part of their parent issue and cannot be created outside a parent.  The basic create screen is not in the context of an existing issue, and hence cannot be used to create a sub-task level issue because it doesn't know what the parent might be

I'd argue for an issue-picker to appear myself, one that mandates you select an issue from all the unresolved issue level issues, but that's an improvement, not part of this explanation.

To create a sub-task level issue, you need to go into the parent you want it to be a part of, and use "create subtask" in there.  You will then be asked to select between Config and Technical task for the issue type.

I suspect your task type are sub-tasks, so they cannot be just created, they need to start from an existing issue level issue.

James Stables
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September 13, 2021

Great reply Nic.

I have been researching how to simply create this in Jira:


 - 01 01 STORY

   -- 01 01 01 Task

   -- 01 01 02 Task

   -- 01 01 03 Task

   -- 01 01 04 Task


My friends use Asana and say it is easy to do so, but I am stuck with Jira, so I need to fight my way through this one.


I have read that you can make Epics and then Issues (which become Stories) and then Sub-Tasks (which become the Tasks we actually work on).


As much as that is confusing and unintuitive just to start with, I have also heard that creating Sub-Tasks messes up the Agile Board.


Does that mean we simply can't have Epics/Stories and Tasks now?


Do you know if there is a better way to run simple Agile Sprints in Jira? I'm a little confused.



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 13, 2021

There's nothing to "fight" here - Jira Software is explicitly built to support Scrum Sprints, and does it off the shelf.  Create a project from a "Scrum" template, add the team to it, and you've got everything you need.

For your issue hierarchy, you'll find the default issue types Jira off-the-shelf already does two thirds of them.  Epics are Epics already, and Stories are there at the issue level, by default.  If you want to use tasks as the name for sub-tasks, you'll need to create a new sub-task issue type for it, or rename an existing sub-task level issue type.

Sub-tasks do not "mess up the board", what usually happens is people try to use them in ways that might sound intuitive, but are absolutely not Scrum, and Jira only supports doing Scrum on Scrum boards.

Sub-tasks are a part of a story.  Not a separate item you track during the sprint, they are a wholly contained and integral part of a story.  They therefore move with their story.  They do not appear in the backlog for the team because they are useless in there (you don't commit to them in a sprint, and their rank only matters within their Story, it's total nonsense to rank sub-tasks outside their story).  They will appear on a board, as part of their containing story, given the right settings for displaying them.

TLDR: yes, use Jira off-the shelf and you'll be able to do simple Agile Sprints after creating a scrum project and adding the team to it (but consider the issue types the default creates - you may want a shorter and/or renamed list of types)

James Stables
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September 13, 2021

Ok, thank you for that. It helps a lot.

Thanks again for your reply and time, I can see how it is meant to work now.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 13, 2021

It's not a case of "sub tasks all need to be in the same sprint".  They're part of their parents, it's complete nonsense to try to think of them to be in different sprints.  Or, the more "Agile" way to think of it - if you think a sub-task should be in a different sprint, then it's not a sub-task of the right parent, or it's not a sub-task at all.

Jira works for people doing Scrum or Kanban, and there's a lot of flexibility within it that does let you do things a little outside their way of doing things, and a lot more if you're adding stuff that doesn't go against the rules.

But if your ORCA doesn't fit, it's a shame, but Jira may be the wrong tool for you.  (It suggests your ORCA probably isn't an Agile fit either, but that's another discussion)