User unable to create sprint

Wojciech Górski March 9, 2020



Small, I suppose, question.

After migration from Jira Cloud do Jira DataCenter some users reporting me, that they are not able to click "Create sprint".

Fliter query on board is like "project = XXX OR issuekey in (yyy-1234) ORDER BY Rank ASC"

When i'm checking in Permission helper for XXX project it shows, that user is able to Manage Sprints (I suppose to start sprint is necessary to have this premission).

Where can be problem?


Jira Data Center v8.7.1

1 answer

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 9, 2020

Hi @Wojciech Górski

Simple question first - is Project XXX and Issue YYY-1234 in the same project?

If not, users would need "Manage Sprints" for both Project XXX and YYY to create sprints in this board, as both projects are part of the filter.


Wojciech Górski March 9, 2020

Hello, Stephen,

Thank you for the extremely quick response!

Project XXX and isse are in different projects.

And in Permission scheme there is group called "Can manage Sprints" in both projects.

I red some topics in this matter, but nothing helped. 

What should I check more?

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 9, 2020

Hi @Wojciech Górski

You could check what group or role has access to the permission "Manage Sprints"

  • If the permission is assigned to a group, each user will need to be in this group to have access to the button.
  • If the permission is assigned to a project role, each user will need that project role within both projects.

You could also try modifying the search query to specify the other project - I sometimes find without specifics it can cause problems for the board - so for example:

project = XXX OR (project = YYY and key = yyy-1234) ORDER BY Rank ASC

^ This specifies two projects and ensures no ambiguity within the "key" part of the query.


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