I am able to attach excel file in JIRA with UFT, but while opening from Jira, saying format is wrong

Pritha May 4, 2021

Function addJIRA_Attachment(sURL)
' MSGBOX sCookie
Const STR_BOUNDARY = "abc123-xyz123"
sPath ="C:/Users/PB/JiraTest.xlsx"
fileType = "binary"
base64Encoded = convertFileToBase64(sPath)
getFilebyte = GetFileBytes(sPath)
request = "--" & STR_BOUNDARY & vbCrLf
request = request & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file""; filename=" & fileName & "" & vbCrLf
request = request & "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" & vbCrLf
request = request & "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
request = request & getFilebyte & vbCrLf
request = request & "--"& STR_BOUNDARY&"--"

Set JiraService = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
With JiraService
.Open "POST", sURL & "rest/api/2/issue/GTAUIAF-19/attachments", False
.setRequestHeader "X-Atlassian-Token:" , "nocheck"
'.Open "GET", sURL & "rest/api/2/attachment/meta", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & STR_BOUNDARY
' .setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(request)
' .setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "Set-Cookie", sCookie
.send Stream_StringToBinary(request)
' msgbox .status
msgbox .responseText
m_sJSONString = .responseText
If .Status <> 400 or .Status<>404 Then
m_sJSONString = .responseText
m_sJSONString = "Check the json string or url or your user id and password"
End If
keyval = Split(m_sJSONString,",")
For k = 0 to Ubound(keyval)
If Instr(keyval(k),"""key"":""")>0 Then
strval = split(keyval(k),":")
curTestkey = Replace(strval(1),"""","")
End If
End With

Set JiraService= Nothing
End Function

Function getJiraSessionId(sURL,sJIRAUserID,sJIRAPass)
Set JiraAuth = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
With JiraAuth
.Open "POST", sURL & "rest/auth/1/session", False
.setRequestHeader "X-Atlassian-Token:" , "nocheck"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.send " {""username"" : """& sJIRAUserID &""", ""password"" : """& JIRA_PWD &"""}"
sOutput = .responseText
sCookie = "JSESSIONID=" & Mid(sOutput, 42, 32) & "; Path=/Jira"
End With
End Function

Function GetFileBytes(fileName)
Dim objStream
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.LoadFromFile fileName
getbinaryArray=objStream.Read 'read binary'
msgbox TypeName(getbinaryArray)
Set objStream = Nothing
end function

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
Dim I, S
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
SimpleBinaryToString = S
msgbox SimpleBinaryToString
End Function

Function Stream_StringToBinary(Text)
Const adTypeText = 2
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim BinaryStream 'As New Stream
Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = adTypeText
BinaryStream.CharSet = "us-ascii"
BinaryStream.WriteText Text
BinaryStream.Position = 0
BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
BinaryStream.Position = 0
Stream_StringToBinary = BinaryStream.Read
Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function

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