Component/s not creating components on the fly

Nico van der Walt January 17, 2023

Good day!

In all our other projects the Component/s field is editable and you can create components on the fly. However I created a very simple Kanban project yesterday and at first non of us could add components on the fly. Had to go the long way around via settings to create components. Then when I logged in again later last night somehow I am now able to create them on the fly however when my Team enters a value in the field it just says "No matches" instead of "New Component"

Am I missing some setting? any advise would be greatly appreciated!

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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January 17, 2023

Hi @Nico van der Walt 

You have to add the Component/s field on the edit screen of your issue type. In addition you have to be the project admin to add them.

Nico van der Walt January 17, 2023

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ 

Thank you SO much. Making a user project admin solved the issue

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