ConfiForms IFTTT integration rules for Jira LABELS and COMPONENT/S

Miloš December 3, 2024



I have a few preset fields in the IFTTT macro, but components and labels are set as arrays - and it's the only way to make the whole form work fine.

I want the JIRAs created to contain these labels and components by default.

How am I supposed to preset them too?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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December 3, 2024

If the values for the components/labels do not change then just add the corresponding mappings into the JSOn mapping that you have (to create Jira issue) and set them to constant values

 "labels": [
"Testing", "Watching"

Components are mapped a bit differently as far as I know

"components": [{
  "name": "component1"



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