I have a five page questionnaire currently in a spreadsheet. that I'd like to build in Confluence.
Can I have 5 tabs in a Confluence page?
Can I perform calculations like sum and average in a table?
Does the new database capability facilitate building my questionnaire?
Sample page:
Hi @Alan Halley
Yes, the app Table Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets for Confluence is a good solution for advanced tables if built-in tables from Confluence are not enough.
For tabs, you'll need to use other apps from the marketplace, such as Content Forming Macros for Confluence. In addition to the tab macro, it provides other must-have formatting features, such as numbered headers, backgrounds, cards, buttons, and more.
My team developed the second app, so please let me know if you have any questions about it.
Kinds regards,
The new Databases feature doesn't support formulas and such.
But there are multiple spreadsheet apps are available for Confluence Cloud. Most of these are trying to give you an Excel-like experience, which means that it should be intuitive for you if you used Excel previously for this problem.
I used Excel-like Tables for Confluence by Ricksoft to embed the Excel spreadsheet in a Confluence page.