Back like we never left- it’s our favorite time of year- Leaders of the Pack!
Earlier this year, we advanced our career growth, had some community cupids, ended bad service management, and listened to the new season of Teamistry! We also welcomed 1,983 new community peeps to the Kudos program! 🥳
And a long awaited congratulations is in order to our number one leader @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ ! He earned 89610 points, and consistently goes above and beyond to make our community what it is.
Here were the Top 10 Leaders for this Quarter:
@Mikael Sandberg
And we can’t forget our Top 10 leading Atlassians! Huge round of applause to our Number 1 earner, @Josh Costella, with 17215 points
We started off the new year strong, so let’s keep up the hard work More badges and challenges are coming next month - including Likes for Trees II! Check out the latest blog on all things
The new Leader of the Pack badge will be available shortly and the next leaderboard rollover is on July 1, 2023.
Saralie S.