Earlier this year, we released the Atlassian for VS Code extension, bringing Atlassian products closer to where you work every day. With the VS Code extension installed, you don’t have to leave your ...
...itigate the impact and fix it and this is all this article it's about, "I'm affected by this vulnerability, what now?!" There are basically 3 ways to mitigate it and fix it: Disabling public...
I had a requirement to clean our bitbucket license by removing any user with no login record or "Last Authentication" > 60 days. I did search here and there to find the most suitable a...
Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #35 Hi!, Released pipes: atlassian/serverless-deploy:0.1.0 This pipe deploys your Serverless framework application using AWS, Google Cloud Platform or Microsof...
Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #34 Hi!, Updated pipes: cloudsmith-io/publish:0.2.0 This pipe publishes packages to your Cloudsmith repositories. - Added support for npm dist-tag. sonarsou...
...hey are a part of us, shaping how we interact with the world around us. The same holds true for programming languages when we think about how different kinds of vulnerabilities raise their heads in t...
Hi Atlassian community, Amber Van Hecke from the Bitbucket Product team here. The Bitbucket team recently announced that we will be removing Mercurial support from Bitbucket Cloud and the API. ...
Hi, Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #33 Updated pipes: atlassian/sftp-deploy:0.5.0 Deploy files using SFTP - Add variable PASSWORD as an alternative authentication method atlassian/aws-code-...
Hi, Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #32 Updated pipes: atlassian/email-notify:0.3.4 Send email with a specific message - Internal maintenance: Fix issue. Update Readme atlassian/google-app-e...
(Update 31/Aug/2020 : We added support for using ssh credentials for cloning in version 2.1) (Update 02/Mar/2020 : We added support for Multibranch pipeline jobs in version 1.1.0) (Update 28...
Hi, Pleased to announce Bitbucket Pipes weekly digest. Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #31 New pipes: atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.1.1 It deploys a file (build artifact, build report, etc...
Pipe atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.1.1 is released. It deploys a file (build artifact, build report, etc.) from Bitbucket Pipelines to Bitbucket Downloads. More available pipes you can ...
Message The authenticity of host 'bitbucket.org (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:zzXQOXSRBEiUtuE8AikJYKwbHaxvSc0ojez9YXaGp1A. Are you sure you want to continue co...
You’ve likely heard that we recently released Bitbucket 6.3 a few weeks ago, which included a number of improvements aimed at eliminating workarounds and improving developers quality of life and...
To recompile the IPython Notebook Plugin (for Bitbucket Server 6.1.0 compatibility), perform the following operations Install Atlassian SDK Clone the plugin from the official repository ...
We recently shipped Bitbucket Server 6.2 at the beginning of April, which contained a number of improvements to help streamline developers' workflow and minimize errors. We wanted to take a second to...
When Trello became part of Atlassian it was obvious we wanted to integrate Trello and Bitbucket Cloud. Linking cards in Trello to open pull requests, branches, and commits while providing quick acces...
Who wouldn't want to improve code quality and be more productive as a team while increasing satisfaction and happiness at work? It’s a no-brainer that a new phone, a new gadget or whatever money ca...
...pt-get update # This should now work properly If you are using another public Docker image, search for it on Dockerhub and either try a newer tag, or see if there is a “-stretch” tag s...
...ommon.sh" enable_debug extra_args="" if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]]; then extra_args="--verbose" fi # mandatory variables ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=${ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN:?'ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN e...
...oftware Cloud today. You can use it standalone with either Bitbucket or Jira Software, or in combination with both. I have an issue, how can I get help? Please submit an issue on our public issue t...
...ontainers Test containers recently released a fix to disable ryuk in version 1.10.6 by setting the environment variable TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED to true as documented here. In o...
...uthenticating with Bitbucket, with the git origin set to ‘git@bitbucket.org/<<your account>>/<<your repo>>.git’. To commit back, you had to configure a git username, email, SSH public...
下記のメッセージが表示されて Bitbucket へログインが行えない場合の回避策を紹介します。 OpenID transaction in progress 回避策1 プライベートブラウズモードを利用するか、あるいは下記URLへ順にアクセスして再ログインを行う。 https://id.atlassian.com/logout http...
It is possible to retrieve the avatarUrl by adding the avatarSize param to the REST call. This will add the avatarUrl property added to each user object that is returned. &...