I have pipeline for branches, defined as per: https://gist.github.com/matheus1lva/e3830702351c85ac5c5db8acb4a98c0b I was expecting that the codestarconnnection would retrieve status back to ...
We are using Bitbucket Cloud and Codepipeline integration. Also posting back build status to the commits in bitbucket from our code pipeline which works well. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/...
Bamboo - "git-upload-pack not permitted" in Log on CodeCommit source https://git-codecommit.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/test-repo: git-upload-pack not permitted when click on test con...
We have been using AWS Codepipeline/codebuild for CI-CD and use bitbucket cloud for git provider. After reviewing this wonderful post, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/aws-codepipel...
I switched from using JGit to native Git support. As recommended here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamkb/git-operation-fails-with-error-jgit-implementation-does-not-support-merging-or-tagging-9...
I've installed Git for JIRA - AWS CodeCommit and I've attempted to connect the repo with JIRA but couldn't find the connection. I am not finding anything when it comes to role policy and what exactl...
Currently we are using mirror hook on bitbucket server to mirror to codecommit and run our pipelines and it appears smart mirroring is only used to mirror BB repos. Is there a mirror hook option opti...
Hi All, Is it possible ho to integrate bitbucket data centre with AWS CodePipeline. What would be a starting point? Thanks, Barry
I want to put the entire codedeploy pipe in a file. Is this possible? How can it be achieved? - pipe: atlassian/aws-code-deploy:0.5.3 variables: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ...
Hi, I'm trying to get AWS Codepipeline to pull from our onprem instance of Bitbucket server. It's not working. Steps to reproduce: 1. Created a repo in the onprem Bitbucket project 2. ...
Hi, My name is Rick, we have several customer using SourceTree/Bitbucket to push code to AWS cloud, we use code deploy API, I understand that you were to stop the API function from May 1. Due to Co...
Hi, folks! I'm trying to do a very simple deploy process with Pipelines and CodeDeploy. However, after I create the zip file and I try to upload it to S3, the pipeline fails saying the file ...
Is there any plugin to integrate Jira server to AWS Codepipeline or AWS Codebuild?
Is there a integration for Jira and CodeBuild/CodePipeline? We would like to update Jira with Build Information similar to your Jenkins integration.
I'm trying to use `atlassian/aws-s3-deploy` with `EXTRA_ARGS` pipe variable like: `--exclude * --include images/*` but single `*` character in `--exclude` argument is replaced with all files listed i...
I have a pipeline setup to deploy to an aws ec2 instance, in the after_install hook I have an `ng build -- prod` step that basically builds the app and creates a dist folder. Is there a way I can vie...
In case you missed it, Bitbucket Cloud will be sunsetting its AWS CodeDeploy app on 1 June 2020. We recommend using the AWS CodeDeploy pipe instead. More information on the end of support announcem...
I'm currently using GitLab (the free plan) and running my back end on AWS. There is no easy way to integrate GitLab repos with AWS CodeBuild while I have seen that it is possible to do with BitBucket...
There use to be an addon plugin for Bitbucket called AWS CodeDeploy. It went missing from our repo. How do we get it back? *Note: we're not using bitbucket pipeline.
Hi, I am new to bitbucket and the concept of pipeline to CI/CD. I was wondering if it is possible to specify the pipeline to upload the file that was updated. E.g From my project if I update ...
I have an Angular application setting up for the deployment on EC2 instance using AWS CodeDeploy. My bitbucket-pipelines.yml file contains. pipelines: branches: staging: - step: ...
Is it possible to integrate BitBucket Server with AWS CodeDeploy or other AWS services? I know it is possible to integrate BitBucket Cloud with AWS services via BitBucket Pipelines. ...
We're trying to setup a CI/CD pipeline from BitBucket to an AWS EC2 instance running CentOS7. Our program is a PHP Laravel API, but the only integration examples we've been able to find are wri...
Files that are uploaded to AWS S3 for deployment using CodeDeploy do not have an extension. The ZIP_FILE variable specified should apply the .zip extension to the end of the uploaded content...
Hello, I want to initiate deployment of bitbucket repo code to AWS codedeploy service after each commit. Which will then install it on EC2 instance based on tag values. The EC2 instance will have l...
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