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How can I trigger an event, if an issue is not updated for a given time?

AB September 17, 2024

Is there is a way in JSM to send some reminder notifications to reporter?


Use Case :

- we set a ticket as Waiting for customer (T0) to get feedback

- Notification to be sent if no comment received from reporter since 7 days – 1st reminder

- Notification to be sent if no comment received from reporter since 14 days – 2nd reminder

- Notification to be sent if no comment received from reporter for 21 days – Last reminder



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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 17, 2024

Hello @AB 

Is it possible that people besides the reporter will enter comments during those time periods?

One possible solution involves multiple Automation rules.

Rule #1 would be triggered by a comment being added to the issue. The rule would compare the comment Author to the issue Reporter. If they are the same, then the rule would update a custom field (that you would need to add to the issue) with the current date to note that is the most recent comment from the reporter.

You would then set up additional scheduled rules to use JQL to select the the issues that need a reminder. There would be one rule for each time period (7 days, 14 days, 21 days). The rules would be scheduled to run daily. The JQL would include at least this criteria

"Last Reporter Comment Date" = -7d

...where each rule would use one of the time period values. 

You would probably want additional criteria, such as 

status = "Waiting for customer (T0) to get feedback"

You could either have the rule then send an email directly to the Reporter, or add another comment to the issue which would generate an email being sent to the Reporter.


Would you care when the issue status was set to "Waiting for customer (T0) to get feedback" vs. when the reporter last commented? For example:

  1. Reporter enters a comment on 1 Jan 2024
  2. Status is changed to "Waiting for customer (T0) to get feedback" on 3 Jan 2024
  3. As of 8 Jan 2024 the Reporter has not posted any new comments and the status is "Waiting for customer (T0) to get feedback", therefore the 7-days reminder will be sent.

Or would the rule need to consider the date of the status change (3 Jan 2024) and start the clock from that date instead?


AB September 17, 2024

7 Days timer should start from the date of status change, Jan 3rd in the example. Also i don't see "Scheduled" trigger in Automation. Is it something to do with the permissions?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 17, 2024

Are you working with a Cloud product or a self-hosted Server/Data Center product?

How did you navigate to the Automation feature?

AB September 17, 2024

I am still learning and very new to JSM config, so my apologies in advance for any dumb question. I don't know why but I have two different screens for automation in QA environment and Prod. I am enclosing screenshots for reference. And Yes, It is data center. prod.pngQA env.png

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 17, 2024

Everybody is new to Jira at some point. 😉

In Data Center, Jira Service Management had its own Automation feature. That is what your first image shows. With later versions an Automation feature that works with both Jira Software and Jira Service Management was introduced. That is what your second image shows.

You can find documentation for that second one here:

The Schedule trigger will be available in the second Automation feature.

You may also benefit from looking at the documentation for creating JQL statements:

Are you a Jira Application Admin, or only a Project Administrator? If you click the gear icon near your avatar on the right end of the application menu bar? I ask that so that I know what other questions you'll be able to answer on your own versus needing to ask somebody else.

To factor in the date the issue changed to the specified status you will need to include another criteria in you JQL:

Status was changed to "Waiting for customer" on startOfDay(-7d) and Status was not changed after startOfDay(-7d)

Insert the full status name between the quotes.

"was" and "changed" are special operators that can be used with just a few fields. You can find more information about the in the JQL documentation I mentioned above.

See if you can work out the automation with the information I provided. If you have additional questions let me know.

AB September 17, 2024

Thank you for all the explanation. I will go through it but just to let you know I am only the project admin

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