New 'Build and Deploy' triggers for Jira automation!

30 second summary - we have shipped 6 new DevOps automation triggers for Jira automation that connect your ‘Build and Deploy' tools. These triggers allow you to connect natively with tools like Jenkins and Circle CI so Devs can update Jira less, you can have more transparency in your build process and everyone can avoid unnecessary meetings and updates. Sound good? Read on!


We recently released new DevOps automation triggers which allow you to easily connect your work from your Git provider (Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab) to Jira Cloud. It has been a crowd-pleaser to say the least. Devs are enjoying more ‘deep-focus’ time without the need to update Jira after writing code. Admins are getting 8 hours of sleep per night (made up stat) knowing Jira is 100% up to date. And all of this is done through an intuitive automation engine available to every Jira Cloud admin.

Connect with Jenkins, Circle CI and more

Our dedicated team has listened to the feedback from customers and we have now added further support with 6 new ‘Build and Deploy’ DevOps triggers to optimize your workflows even further. This means you can now connect Jira Cloud natively with tools like Jenkins, Circle CI and Octopus Deploy.


Tell me more, tell me more

These new deployment triggers (Deployment status changed, successful, failed) and build triggers (Build status changed, successful, failed) get fired when changes associated to an issue get built or deployed in the linked build and deployment tools. You can add superpowers to these automation rules using smart values (meta-data) listed here. These can access additional information associated with the triggers.

The light bulbs might already be flashing in your head with ideas of how your team can take advantage of this. For inspiration, here are some early use cases we have seen below.

Use cases

When a build fails in Jenkins, add a comment to the Jira issue and send a Slack message to the team channel.



When an issue is deployed on a staging environment, send a Microsoft Teams message to team QA channel


When a deployment fails, update the status of change request issue to “On Hold / Blocked”


How do I get started?

Any admin can simply go into the automation section in Jira (screenshot below, will look slightly different in next-gen projects). Start creating a rule and you will see the new triggers available to you. You will need to link your CI and build integration to your Jira account so just follow the steps on screen. Once done, you are set.



Smart values

The smart values are the most powerful part of automation and also the most challenging aspect to grasp. You can simply choose the smart values you want from our docs here or learn more about each individual trigger here.

Just getting started?

If you are new to Jira automation, you are going to love it. You don’t need to be a developer to use it, it’s simply drag and drop at a basic level. Some users are saving their team more than 50 hours a month, which is kind of crazy! If you want to learn more about how to get started with the basics, I recommend watching our on-demand ‘getting started with automation’ webinar followed by the ‘advanced automation webinar’.

For those more in the DevOps world, we are also hosting a webinar with GitLab soon so register here to learn how best practices in how to automate across the two tools.

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Can anyone use this?

Yes indeed. More customers are discovering automation every day. It is freely available to every single Cloud admin. It is not available natively in Jira Server / Data Centre but there is now an app in the marketplace from an Atlassian partner. 

Jira Premium users do have increased access to Global rules which allow you to automate across more than one project but every admin has unlimited single project automation rules.

We hope you enjoy these triggers. Our product team love hearing feedback (even the negatives!) so feel free to add any comments below. Happy automating 🙂



Mo Beigi
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 29, 2020

Awesome stuff! I'm very excited to see these features in action. :)

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Lloyd Jones August 28, 2020

This is great stuff, keep the features coming.


I have a question though, how can we connect our Jira Cloud natively with Jenkins? I see no options in the project "Development Tools" area or anywhere else in the admin. The only options documented are via marketplace add ons, which are not native.

John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 30, 2020

Hey @Lloyd Jones ,

Glad you are enjoying the features! 

this page should help you connect Jira cloud natively with Jenkins:

Also this page shows you how to integrate Jira with self-hosted tools (like Jenkins) -

We are working on better guides for all the integrations but I hope this helps in the meantime.



Pavel Nicovala
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October 29, 2020

Hi @John McKiernan,

Are these DevOps triggers available only for JIRA Cloud?

At my workplace we're using JIRA Data Centre and we seem to lack these, DevOps dropdown is available in Jira automation but does not show any options. 



John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 29, 2020

Hi @Pavel Nicovala ,

These triggers are unfortunately only available in Cloud.


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 8, 2020

Hi @John McKiernan , 

Do we know when the features would be available for Jira Server or Data Center version as they could really bring some benefit to us. It would be appreciated if you could send us a Jira link relating to that so we can watch the issue, thank you! 



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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2020

Hey @Naomi ,

There are no immediate plans to build this same functionality in Jira Server or Data Centre right now. If that changes, I'll let you know but everything is above is for Cloud.



Russell Wiegand
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November 12, 2020

So sad to hear. How can we get a feature request rolling to get these devops triggers into Jira Server?

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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 12, 2020

Hi @Russell Wiegand

I can understand your feelings here. We don't have a feature request for it at the moment. Atlassian have been pretty forthright about Cloud being the future which sometimes means there will be features available in Cloud that won't in Server. I don't want to make any false promises or mislead. I know that's not exactly what you want to hear but just trying to be honest.



Tobias F December 21, 2020

Hi @John McKiernan ,

Also came here looking for this feature on Server. Thanks for being open about the future :).


Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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March 25, 2021

Those who want the similar functionality for Jira Server and Jira Data Center, we built the equivalent DevOps trigger for these deployment types!

Those are available in the Better DevOps Automation for Jira app.



Happy automating!


Levente Szabo _Midori_
Atlassian Partner
March 26, 2021

@Tobias F @Russell Wiegand @Naomi @Pavel Nicovala please check this out 👆 and let us know what you think!

You can also learn more about Better DevOps Automation for Jira in the launch blog here in the Community's DevOps section.

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Ruslan Enikeev
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June 4, 2021

When an issue is deployed on a staging environment, send a Microsoft Teams message to team QA channel

is there a way to include list of deployed issues into that MS Teams message?

John Price
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June 23, 2021

@John McKiernan  We would really like these for Data Center.  We know that Cloud is the future, but it's 2-3 years away at least for our large organization.  We just purchased Automation for Jira Data Center and DevOps rules would be a huge hit with teams using GitLab and other tools.  

Atlassian has assured us that DC isn't going away any time soon.  I found this request and voted for it: 

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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 23, 2021

Hey @John Price ,

Thanks for the message. To be transparent, to my knowledge, there aren't plans to bring these new triggers to Data Centre. 

I know ideally it would be native or included in the Automation for Jira server app. However, one other solution is the new Midori app @Levente Szabo _Midori_ mentioned above:

I'll let you know if anything changes on the Atlassian side.



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Azfar Masut
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October 20, 2021

That's sad to hear, looking forward for Data center to have the similar feature as cloud, as its just not fair for us to have purchase an additional add-on that cost thousands

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April 10, 2024

Hi @John McKiernan  is there a way to include a new environment type? We are currently working with Vercel for our deployments and I'm getting an undefined environment for our Preview servers 



The deployment is getting the name 

However, I am unable to select from the automation deployment trigger picker on the Rule Builder
Please note Production is working properly since the environment name is the same, however I assume Development Testing and Staging are default selections.

Basically I need to Include Preview or change the name on one of those

Thanks in advance!


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