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Assist - Raise a Request from a link or Slack workflow

Alex Poller August 5, 2024

Hi all,

Trying to set up the Assist bot to use in a shared incident Slack channel. Ideally, we'd like to limit the users from being able to post in the channel since there are over a hundred users and this could become unwieldy very fast. Previously, we've used a legacy Slack workflow to achieve this. We want to keep visibility in the ticket threads amongst the large group of people, as well as the ability to comment.

We're migrating to using Assist to keep things tracked. I'd like to keep the workflow as simple as possible WITHOUT allowing posting permissions.

  • user clicks a button
  • user fills out a form (ideally the Assist form, connected to our request type)
  • user triages with support team over Slack

Is this possible within the existing application?

I'm also open to using "raise a request" as a step within a Slack workflow, but this also does not appear possible with the new Slack workflows. Every other option I've found either adds an unnecessary extra step, which could be confusing to the user, or requires the user to be able to post to the channel.

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