
App Central

Created Jul 13, 2022, Last active today

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  • Greenhopper Evaluation and Implementation Consultant

    My company is looking for suggestions for a consultant to come in and evaluate our development process and help us get the most out of Greenhopper. We have took the training but still aren't quite t...

    Anthony Galati asked a question 1 2 November 3, 2011
  • Parent Version in Greenhopper OnDemand

    I can't figure out how to add a parent version in greenhopper ondemand. I like to use a parent version for a major release and child version for sprints. Thanks Kevin Nilson

    javaclimber asked a question 1 3 November 2, 2011
  • GreenHopper is Unsupported?

    Hi at all, I have seen that GreenHopper is "Unsupported" on Atlassian Plugin site. It is true? Or it is a mistake? Thanks Samuele

    Samuele Pretini asked a question 0 3 October 17, 2011
  • Team Calendar Reminders

    Does the Team Calendars utilise reminders at all? If not, will they? Maybe this could be integerated with page watching in that if you watch a page with a calendar on it, you will recieve a notif...

    Michael Roff asked a question 0 2 July 6, 2011
  • team calendar dynamic summary creation

    Is it possible to create a team calendar on a page that automatically includes all the team calendars associated with a space or exist on the child pages from a certain page or exist on a page that h...

    Michael Roff asked a question 1 1 July 6, 2011
  • Team Calendars Macro - Allow Calendar Creation

    Is it possible to use the Team Calendars macro to create a new calendar? From using the macro it seems this isn't possible. In my mind this is an essential function of the Team Calendar Macro avai...

    Michael Roff asked a question 1 1 July 6, 2011
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