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"Sync Issue To Outlook - SITO" plug-in

Dave Witt January 26, 2016

I am trying to find a plug-in that will create a task in Outlook when a specific JIRA transition takes place.

To explain:

1) the customer identifies a problem with the data in their application and creates a JIRA request (for example, named ABC-123)

2) application support staff identify the problem and write a SQL script to correct the data

3) the SQL script is passed to a member of the DBA team. They transition the request ABC-123 to "Scheduled For Release"

4) the DBA Team member has to go to Outlook to manually create a task called "ABC-123: Release" 

I want JIRA to create a task in Outlook. The transition to "Scheduled For Release" would have to include the time of release.


Can SITO do this? I could not see this in the documentation but it is your product so you will know if it can be used to do this.


Thank you



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Dave Witt February 1, 2016

I cannot get this to work because the Due Date does not appear on the transition screen. Am I doing something wrong?

Please see the attachment.

If you need further information please let me know. Or we could use gotoassist.

Matthias Günter February 1, 2016

Hi Dave,

the screen seems to be fine and your workflow transition, too. But this seems to be related to JIRA configuration.

Could you please check your projects field-configuration scheme. Within that scheme there may be different field configurations and in one/all of them simply the due date could be disabled/hidden at all.  (Documentation here). This is a very helpful tool, too: http://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/04/jira-admins-where-is-your-field/ (works on edit screen for example)

Before arranging an gotoassist meeting: Please report back if this could help you to figure it out. 

With Best Regards, 

Dave Witt February 2, 2016

Now that I have set the "Schedule" permission, the Due Date is displayed. However no entry is created my calendar.

Can you tell me where the SITO log is stored so that I can try to find out if the problem is in SITO or is in Outlook.

Matthias Günter February 3, 2016

Ah, I see... permissions. 

To see logging information with SITO you simply add a new standard logger to your JIRA instance and choose the loglevel DEBUG.

You can define it unter Logging & Profiling and please use this package name:


You can access is under the following link: 

https://jira.yourdomain.tld/secure/admin/ViewLogging.jspa (official documentation here under the section "Temporarily changing the logging level")

Then try to configure the entry for SITO




From now you should be able to see logging information in atlassian-jira.log (Documentation here)

With Best Regards, 


Dave Witt February 4, 2016

I have set up logging but there is no mention of SITO or the JIRA request that I am testing in atlassian-jira.log.

1.Is SITO compatible with Exchange 2010 SP3?

2.Our IT Team tell me that there is nothing in the server logs to tell them that a request has been sent from JIRA to create a calendar entry. So I think that there must be more configuration required?

Matthias Günter February 4, 2016

SITO does not support Exchange 2010 SP3 in the option field. SITO uses the EWS API of Exchange. This api is backwards compatible:

The schema version indicates the minimum server version that supports the functionality described by the schema. We didn't add a 2010_SP3 version since the schema didn't change.

As you can read from here just configure SITO using Exchange2010_SP2 and it should work. What version have you configured in SITO?

With Best Regards,

Dave Witt February 4, 2016

SITO is configured to use Exchange 2010 SP2.

Can you please advise how I can troubleshoot this plug-in.


As stated, my IT Team tell me that there have been no requests created coming into Outlook so I can only guess that SITO hasn't created anything.


Dave Witt February 10, 2016


Do you have any further assistance that you can give?
Would a gotoassist session be helpful - would you be able to troubleshoot if you were able to see / use our JIRA installation?

The plug-in that you have developed looks as though it will do exactly what we need so I am keen to get it working.


Thank you


Dave Witt


Matthias Günter February 10, 2016

Hello Dave,

sorry for the late response. Yes, i can have a look at it. Can you please create a demo login for it with specific permissions?

Best regards, Matthew :)

Dave Witt February 15, 2016

I am surrently setting up a gotoassist session.

Please go to www.gotoassist.com/ph/qubeglobal.

Then select 'support3'.

I will reverse screen-sharing once we are connected and show you the problem.


Matthias Günter March 3, 2016

Problem solved. Dave, please confirm. smile

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Matthias Günter January 28, 2016

Hi @Dave Witt,

thanks for interest in JIRA SITO!

With JIRA Sync Issue To Outlook you can sync Issues to your outlook calendar.
You could configure it as following at Step 3) 

In your workflow-transition you could add a screen where your DBA Member has to fill out these fields:

  • assignee (that's the calendar to write at for SITO)
  • duedate (that's the date for the calendar entry)
  • the new custom field of type "Period of Time"
  • summary (optionally rename summary and prefix it with "Release" to appear at calendars title)

When your DBA has finished the transition of the workflow JIRA SITO creates a calendar entry on the due date for the period of time in the assignees calendar (e. g. release.user@yourcompany.com). If one of those fields is updated the calendar will be updated, too. 

So at this step it is not possible to create a task, yet.
But, yes - it is possible to create a calendar entry with a specified time at all. 

I hope I could help you to get ready for testing your requirement. If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me. 

With Best Regards, 


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