Hi everyone I'm not normally ranter, but I'm getting pretty frustrated over the transition to the new JIRA UI. Don't get me wrong, the old UI is really hard to use, particularly for new users ...
My whole team now has bookmarks like: https://ourcompany.atlassian.net/browse/ESF-???? and then edits the ticket number to get to the ticket they need. Search used to be on every page - now you ha...
Hello, Since Jira and Wiki are an important part of my work, I have to say that now. The new Design ... I've been really trying to get along with it since release. I am really sorry but it still fee...
Where has the ability to view and update issue workflows in Jira gone? I have never before seen such a great example of a fantastic product being utterly destroyed by a simple interface revamp....
Hi, I can only imagine there are a million comments floating about but I couldn't find a definitive "home" for discussion on the new UX. I am really struggling with it. How do I get s...
I don't know about any of you, but the new UI wastes a lot of screen real estate. There's huge margins and just a lot of blank white space. Which means all of our text etc, ends up w...
Not a fan.
Repeatedly since you put the new UI into beta and then partial roll-out I have switched on the new UI in Confluence and Jira and consistently found it degraded our ability to get work done. Every tim...
There are multiple things I don't like, but the most glaring is the 100% horizontal flow. The are 4 vertical elements and 0 horizontal. For some reason this makes me super anxious. ...
Is there a way to make confluence 6.5 resemble previous versions (I'm not sure exactly when everything was changed, but 4.3.7 was damn near flawless...there was no reason to change that sit...
We've started using the "New Jira Experience" in the past week, and while it's a refreshing take on JIRA, there's a lot of seemingly odd design choices going on. The latest one to bug my team is&nbs...
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